The Flexi Framework Support Solutions
DiversiTech International has been supplying quality products into the heating, refrigeration and air conditioning sector since 2001, specialising in condensate pumps and ancillary products. The range has increased considerably over the years and now offers renewable solutions, including building services support systems and associated accessories. We are proud to deliver exceptional customer service along with great quality products at competitive prices.
Since the launch of our Flexi range of building services support solutions back in 2007, we have seen significant growth due in the industry’s need for an alternative solution to traditional concrete plinths or paving slabs.
As a result of listening to our customers, we offer a comprehensive range of products providing architects, engineers, consultants, building owners, and contractors, simplistic, cost-effective and easy to install solutions to support building services. Our support products offer greater flexibility throughout the range (hence the name ‘Flexi’). Whether supporting small cable trays, condensing units and fans, or more extensive building services such as air-handling units, chillers, and packaged plant rooms, we’ll have a solution. We even supply safe access walkways, and maintenance platforms compliant with current British Standards.
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