Project: Primark Retail Store, Staines upon the Thames
Products: Heavy Range and Safe Access
Services: Plantroom, Generator, Air-handling units and bespoke access Platform solution
Roof build-up: Warm roof design / TPO/PVC membrane
Having recently already supplied a ramped access solution to this project, DiversiTech and FLEXI were approached by another contractor working on the project, to also provide the support for all the rooftop services and an associated access solution for maintenance to these services.
All the services were positioned onto our independent frameworks first before the services being crane lifted into place. FLEXI then provided a purpose made access solution to wrap around these services for future maintenance work.
FLEXI prepared full working AutoCAD drawings for approval before manufacturing starts. The access solution was made in smaller landing modules which facilitated easier lifting and fitting by the installers on site. All modules were identified by number; which in-turn was cross-referenced within an installation drawing that we supplied.
FLEXI access solutions are designed to comply with British Standards. We supply all the necessary fixings for the products, and we will even attend the site on the day of installation to supervise the correct assembly of the goods. The steelwork is all hot dip galvanised finish, for excellent protection against external environments where they ultimately end up.
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